Groupon Customer Services

The easy way to contact customer services. Call Groupon customer services using their number below

Tel : 0203 808 4223

Please note, this site is not affiliated or associated with Groupon

About Groupon — UK Connect Digital

Groupon are a provider of deals and vouchers. They offer people the chance to save money when buying products or vacations on a regular basis. They operate in Chicago and they were launched in 2008. The first target market that they had was Chicago and then soon after that they branched out into New York City and then Toronto. In 2010, they had then reached out to South America and then Asia, and this just goes to show the amount of growth that they have experienced in recent years. They also went on to serve over 500 cities worldwide as well.

Groupon Contact Info

  • Name : Groupon
  • Head Office : Groupon Customer Services,No1 Swan Lane,London,UK,EC4R 3TN
  • Post Code :EC4R 3TN
  • Website :

Groupon Opening Hours

  • Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm

Groupon Top FAQ's

  • Q: How can I contact Groupon Customer Services?
    A: The quickest way to contact Groupon is by using the telephone number at the top of the page. However, we have listed their address and website too if you'd like to try contacting them that way.

  • Q: How do I make a complaint to Groupon ?
    A: Here at UK Connect Digital we recommend putting your complaint in writing to Groupon. A telephone call, followed by a written complaint could help your query be resolved more quickly. What's more, you'll have a written record of your communication with Groupon for future reference should you need it.

  • Q: When is it best to contact Groupon?
    A: The peak time for most companies receiving calls is around 5-6pm, so try and avoid lengthy call queues by contacting them during the day if possible. However, the full opening hours for Groupon are Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm

  • Q: How do I find more company details?
    A: At UK Connect Digital we've listed a wide range of companies alongside their full contact details so that you don't have to scour the web for hours! Using our easy to navigate website you can quickly search for Customer Service details and live chat too! Simply enter the company name you're looking for and follow the instructions on screen.

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